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Support Groups

下面冰球突破提供了当地支持团体的列表和信息链接. Please note that these resources are provided based on information given to York Hospital. Make sure to contact the individual groups for questions and to confirm the dates and times of meetings.

Abuse & assault

Direct support and safety planning services for anyone experiencing domestic abuse and violence. Prevention education, training, and professional consultation to move toward bringing an end to domestic violence. Call the hotline at (800) 239-7298 or our office at (207) 490-3227. Email us at, or visit for more information.

为受虐妇女及其子女提供服务、支持和庇护. 在朴茨茅斯提供持续的支持小组, Dover, and Salem, NH for those who’ve experienced or are currently experiencing physical or emotional abuse from a partner. 欲了解更多信息、日期和地点,请致电 (603) 436-7924 or visit

Offers support groups for anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse and their families. 欲了解更多信息,请拨打24/7热线 (603) 994-7233, our office at (603) 436-4107 or visit


在缅因州南部的时间和地点 & NH area visit or call (207) 774-4335.

酗酒者家庭和朋友互助小组. For more information, please call (800) 498-1844 or (207) 284-1844; or go to their website at

酗酒青少年互助小组. Call (800) 498-1844 for meeting times and locations; or visit their website at

The Community Health team supports health improvement and substance abuse prevention. Choose To Be Healthy is a community health coalition funded through state and federal grants to prevent youth substance abuse. 联盟伙伴包括市政当局, schools, civic organizations, businesses, faith communities, law enforcement, and retailers. 虽然大部分工作是在冰球突破的服务范围内完成的, 还向约克区公共卫生部门(约克县)提供支助. To learn more, call (207) 351-2655, email, or visit our Community Health page.

The Recovery Center, York Hospital’s program for the treatment of  substance use disorder offers a support and counseling For more information, please call (207) 351-2118 or visit our Recovery Center web page.


Bereavement support. 每个月的第三个星期五在他们位于新罕布什尔大街25号的办公室开会., Suite 272, Portsmouth, NH 03801. FMI, call (603) 433-2480.

Eating disorders

Are you underweight? Overweight? 沉迷于食物、体重或节食? You are not alone. Today, there is a solution. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. Free information sessions. 有关会议的完整列表,请访问 or call Lynn at (603) 778-1799.

Health conditions

Offers a variety of support groups for people with HIV and Aids and their families and partners. For more information, please call (603) 433-5377 or visit

York Hospital Living Well Cancer Support Group provides emotional support and information for those coping with diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from cancer. 小组在每月的第二个星期一通过ZOOM从1点到2点开会.m. 请联系Susan Kelly-Westman获取网站链接: (207) 351-3721.

York Hospital’s Stroke Support Group offers survivors and family members a way to understand the effects of stroke and ways to enrich their lives. 冰球突破认识到中风会影响整个人以及他们所爱的人. 冰球突破很高兴提供这个小组作为分享经验的论坛, to gain support for the journey, 并在中风后受到鼓舞继续前进. 小组在每月的第四个星期一上午10:00 - 11:00开会.m. via Zoom. 请联系Susan Kelly-Westman获取网站链接: (207) 351-3721.

Local services & resources

211缅因是一个综合性的全州目录超过8,在缅因州提供的健康和人类服务. The toll free 2-1-1 hotline connects callers to trained call specialists who can help 24/7. Finding the answers to health and human services questions and locating resources is as quick and easy as dialing 2-1-1 or visiting

ME之家是由一群关心ME的人创建的, health care providers, veterans, advocates, parents, and educators, who have come together to change the way that supported housing is provided for community members with special needs. We surround our residents with a Circle of Support — people who are in their lives because they want to be there, who enrich their lives, 帮助他们完全融入社区.  For more information, visit or email

Located in York, Maine at the York Public Library, 阿尔茨海默氏症护理支持小组, 为痴呆症患者及其护理伙伴提供安全场所, 是否由训练有素的辅导员指导. You will develop a support system, 交流有关挑战和解决方案的实用信息, 谈论问题和应对方法, and share feelings, needs, and concerns. 每月第三个周三,下午两点.m. – 3:00 p.m. 在约克公共图书馆,缅因州约克长沙路15号. FMI, contact Linda Bresnahan, (603) 560-5522 or Learn more at:

Located in York Harbor, Maine at St. George’s Church, Time of Wonder Early Learning Center is fully committed to providing quality, 为每个孩子提供负担得起的托儿服务和积极的学习体验. 冰球突破的使命是为婴儿提供发育营养, preschool, 幼儿计划和对工薪家庭的支持. Learn more at:

email: or call (207) 606-0738.

The mission of Fair Tide is to reduce homelessness by providing housing and supportive services to individuals and families on the Seacoast. Learn more by calling (207) 439-6376 or visiting their website at

For more information about the First Parish Congregational Church, visit their website at or call (207) 363-3758. 也有办公时间,周一至周五:上午9:00.m. – 2 p.m.

冰球突破医疗帮助中心(HCHC), is an easily accessible service where people — whether they are new or established patients or simply community members — can find answers to questions about their health care path. 位于医院亨利·华纳大楼的下层, 16 Hospital Drive on the York campus, this inviting space has been designed to be a central “hub” of answers and assistance that will help ensure the best possible patient access and experience at York Hospital.

Whether you need to find a doctor, want help scheduling an appointment, can’t afford to pay a bill, 需要处方药保险方面的帮助, 想参加健康保险计划或医疗保险, 需要帮助年迈的父母, or don’t understand a diagnosis, 冰球突破的专家将很乐意为您提供贴心的支持和指导.

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by appointment only. For more information, call us at (207) 351-2345 or visit our Health Care Help Center page.

冰球突破家庭护理中心提供护理服务, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social worker, and home health aides. Our team provides the clinical knowledge and expertise of a progressive home health agency with the care and compassion that York Hospital has long been known for. We help to close the gap in the continuum of care by providing compassionate and quality services to enable patients to stay in the comfort of home during times of recuperation, disability, or chronic or terminal illness.

病人护理是个性化的,并在整个团队中进行沟通. We work closely with a network of community programs with the goal of keeping the individual in their home for as long as possible. 冰球突破团队的护士24/7全天候为患者或转诊问题提供服务. Learn more on our Home Care page.

(on York Hospital’s Main Campus)
Phone: (207) 337-7300
Toll Free: (877) 564-3321
Fax: (207) 337-7327

Santa’s Cause provides age-appropriate gifts and holiday support to an ever-increasing number of families in need in our York County Maine communities. 请求来自冰球突破预先批准的, 第三方推荐个人-咨询师, teachers, social workers, child protective services, etc. 感谢社区和志愿者的支持, 冰球突破从未对任何求助置之不理. Visit their facebook page at to learn more, or email

约克成人和社区教育提供一百多个课程, including business skills training, fun personal enrichment, and more. Look inside the yellow pages of our catalog and discover just the right course for you! For more information, call (207) 363-7922 or visit

冰球突破的使命是与需要帮助的约克居民合作, services, and referrals during a difficult time in their lives with the help of our staff, volunteers, and community. Our thrift store raises funds for the clients we serve in York through Family Services and the Food Pantry. Learn more at or call (207) 363-5504. 冰球突破位于缅因州约克市美国一号公路855号.

For more than 50 years, York County communities have counted on YCCAC to provide opportunity and hope to people from all circumstances, 尤其是在过渡时期或逆境时期.

冰球突破坚信,当冰球突破的社区强大时, 它的所有成员都有机会茁壮成长, in turn, 当一个人获得个人成功和独立时, our communities grow healthier, stronger, and more vibrant. For more information, call (207) 324-5762 or visit

In 2006, the York County Family Fund was created in collaboration with the First Parish Church of York, Maine. The Fund has helped dozens of individuals and families through times of crisis. It is designed to aid hard-working people who are accustomed to providing for themselves. They are usually unfamiliar with formal aid program support but have found themselves in desperate need with nowhere else to turn. We work through established York County clergy and rely on their discreet discernment of need. 接受援助并不一定要附属于某一教会. To learn more, visit or call (617) 875-0024 or email

One of the most distinctive and affordable senior communities in Maine offering independent living, complete with a menu of services thoughtfully planned for older active adults who deserve the peace of mind that comes with community living. York Housing Authority has been in existence since 1978 and presently owns and manages 136 units of senior housing. 所有水平的负担能力使他们成为独特的住房提供者. It is the mission of York Housing to provide safe, clean, affordable housing.

For more information, visit or call (207) 363-8444.

约克公共图书馆位于:约克长沙路15号,邮编03909. 关于小时,节目和事件的信息,访问, email, or call (207) 363-2818.

Mental health

NAMI groups in Maine and NH support programs are open to anyone who has mental illness or any family member, friend, professional, 或者是那些需要帮助应对精神疾病挑战的照顾者. 有关NH NAMI的更多信息,请访问; or for information on NAMI in Maine, visit

Military members & family

军事一源是全天候的信息连接, answers, 并支持帮助冰球突破的军人家庭成员, 谁有资格在任何时候使用这个国防部资助的项目, anywhere. 向Military OneSource寻求税务服务, spouse employment help, webinars, online training, relocation and deployment tools, and much more. 在这里了解冰球突破为您服务的一些方式: